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Recycling Information and Collection Locations - from MassRecycle

Waste management is a major issue in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Recycling rates in MA are relatively stagnant in the low 40 percentiles. Pushing this up to 60% by 2020 could result in a greenhouse gas savings of 4 MTCE (metric ton carbon equivalents) annually.

We are also running out of landfill space. By 2020, we will have to export at least 2 million tons of trash annually, up from 600,000 lbs., which will come with a major carbon footprint. And we miss out on the opportunity to create local jobs when we export our waste. Recycling creates 10 times more jobs than disposal.

MassRecycle believes that convening stakeholders to develop pragmatic, comprehensive solutions is key to addressing our waste issues. As the coalition that bridges individuals, municipalities, and other institutions with the recycling industry, we are well situated to bring key players to the table.

Everyone produces trash, and only together can we improve waste diversion in MA.

31 Milk Street 960871
Boston, MA 02196

Phone - (617) 338-0244

For information:
