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Green Action


We are environmental leaders, clean energy businesses, faith groups, neighborhood health and safety advocates and Massachusetts families fighting for our future. We believe our state and region can power forward with clean, affordable, reliable energy and a thriving economy. We have no other choice.

Massachusetts has emerged as a national leader on energy, making substantial progress in transitioning away from polluting sources of power to renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Chicago Wilderness is a broad alliance of member organizations whose knowledge and expertise spans all facets of conservation. From invasive species removal and land regeneration to childhood education and volunteer action, our efforts significantly contribute to regional resiliency and economic vitality.


Oak Ecosystems
Oak trees are a key source of biodiversity across the region and need our help preserve and expand their population.

The Miami Climate Alliance

The Miami Climate Alliance is a coalition of organizations and individuals working to prioritize climate justice in South Florida. We work for equity and resilience by activating our community through strategic action, increasing understanding of climate change and sea level rise as threats to all forms of justice, and building urgency around community well-being.

Sustainable Northwest believes a healthy economy, environment, and community are indivisible, and that all are strengthened by wise partnerships, policies, and investments.

We work at the radical middle of economy, environment, and community. Successfully bringing local interests together to pioneer balanced community-driven solutions in the face of change and conflict requires extraordinary patience, grit, and commitment.

Our Programs

Oregon Wild

Oregon Wild works to protect and restore Oregon’s wildlands, wildlife and waters as an enduring legacy for all Oregonians.

Founded in 1974, Oregon Wild (formerly the Oregon Natural Resources Council or ONRC) has been instrumental in securing permanent legislative protection for some of Oregon's most precious landscapes, including nearly 1.7 million acres of Wilderness, 95,000 acres of forests in Bull Run/Little Sandy watersheds (to safeguard the quality of Portland's water supply) and almost 1,800 miles of Wild & Scenic Rivers.

League of Conservation Voters works to turn environmental values into national, state and local priorities.

LCV, in collaboration with our state LCV partners, advocates for sound environmental laws and policies, holds elected officials accountable for their votes and actions, and elects pro-environment candidates who will champion our priority issues.

Please become part of our action and mission.

The two biggest problems facing our country—and the world—are runaway climate change and rising inequality. We can’t solve one without addressing the other.

If we eliminate racism and poverty but do nothing to address climate pollution, we’ll all be equal on a planet plagued by floods, drought, disease, and disasters. And we can’t win on climate unless we build a bigger and broader movement that meets the needs of the hardest-hit Americans.

We’re working to turn the tide on both fronts. Join us!

Campaigns include:

The Nature Conservancy, Oregon

The Nature Conservancy’s mission is to protect the lands and waters on which all life depends, and for nearly 60 years, we’ve been working in Oregon to do just that.

Our Priorities in Oregon:

Oceans - We’re working with fishermen, farmers and conservation partners to build a brighter future for the Oregon Coast and its communities.

Forests - We’re bringing diverse stakeholders together to protect and restore our forests and the communities around them.

The Oregon Sierra Club

The Oregon Sierra Club is a non-profit member-supported, public interest organization that promotes conservation of the Oregon natural environment by influencing public policy decisions—legislative, administrative, legal, and electoral.

Named “the most influential environmental organization” in an Aspen Institute poll, the Sierra Club gives the public the information and the means to make their voices heard.
