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The Oregon Water Science Center (part of the US Geological Survey) provides reliable water data and interpretation of data to Federal, State, and local agencies, Tribes, and the public.

Our data and study results are widely used to manage Oregon's water resources for the benefit of people and our environment.

Our website is your gateway to a wealth of information on surface water, groundwater, and water quality in Oregon and the Nation.

Find us at:

The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Initiative is an international network of investors working together to put Principles for Responsible Investment into practice. Its goal is to understand the implications of sustainability for investors and support signatories to incorporate these issues into their investment decision making and ownership practices.

Conservation Florida excels at helping landowners understand the many conservation options, strategies and resources available for land protection.

We bring together diverse agencies to complete complex land deals and achieve common goals. We also have an excellent track record of obtaining funding from government programs, foundations and private donors to protect multi-million-dollar conservation projects. Our success stems from our professional team being creative, agile, and results-driven.

The Florida Green Building Coalition

The Florida Green Building Coalition (FGBC) is a nonprofit Florida corporation dedicated to improving the built environment. Our mission is to lead and promote sustainability with environmental, economic, and social benefits through regional education and certification programs.

Resources provided by FGBC include our five Green Building Standards, the annual GreenTrends Conference, directories for finding green products and professionals, listings of FGBC certified projects, and education programs for industry professionals, consumers and government entities.

The Institute for Natural Resources

In 2001, the Oregon Legislature established the Institute for Natural Resources (INR) to help link the knowledge and expertise of Oregon's universities to natural resource decision making. We are headquartered at Oregon State University and have offices at Portland State University.

Our mission is to provide access to integrated knowledge and information to inform natural resource decision-making and develop solutions in the context of sustainability. We help decision-makers identify and use relevant science in making natural resource policy and management decisions.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory's Education Center offers a variety of programs to inspire our community to explore the science of renewable energy. We offer community group tours, power lunch lectures, and scheduled programs for 4th grade to college-aged students.

NREL staff members lead adult programs for interested community members, including an introduction to NREL and discussions about innovations in renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. We also offer building and campus tours.

The Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council works with school decision-makers, community volunteers and thought leaders to drive progress at the intersection of sustainability, education, public health and the built environment.

We connect volunteers and green school advocates worldwide.
Every year, tens of thousands of volunteers participate in the global Green Apple Day of Service to make our schools healthier and more sustainable. The Center also hosts the annual Green Schools Conference & Expo to connect green schools advocates nationwide.

The Miami Blue Chapter of the North American Butterfly Association is located in southeast Florida and named after one of our rarest butterflies. We promote butterfly habitat conservation, butterfly gardening, and education about butterflies.

Our chapter is working hard to meet the challenges of the 21st century as they apply to butterfly interests. Populations of Miami blue butterflies occurred in Bahia Honda State Park, the only easy-to-reach location where they could be found until 2010. Now, populations mainly exist in Key West National Wildlife Refuge.

Eco-Justice Ministries is a Denver-based ecumenical agency that helps churches answer the call to care for all of God's creation. Our mission is to develop ministries that are faithful, relevant and effective in working toward social justice and environmental sustainability.


* We help churches select and develop effective plans to start going green.

* We help churches communicate with their congregations about the importance of going green.

* We provide theological and scientific insights that lead to changes in values and worldviews.
