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Urban Agriculture

Rockwood Urban Farm

Rockwood Urban Farm is a highly productive, small scale, community supported endeavor located in east Portland.

We grow vegetables and flowers using organic methods and our intentions for a well fed and well loved community.

We strive to be part of the solution; to be endless seekers of earth lessons and to apply efficiency and beauty in the ever evolving art of being agrarians. Our farm is a place of discovery as we learn what really matters and what we are capable of.

Tryon Life Community Farm

Tryon Life Community Farm offers Portland a deep program of sustainability education, via workshops, land projects, classes, events and more.

Our site is nestled into Tryon Creek State Park, a 650-acre ecosystem of towering firs, cedars and diverse Northwest forest. We are seven acres of rolling meadow, gardens, homes, naturally-built structures and wooded cliffs: a unique sustainability educational facility and community gathering place.

Welcome to Nana’s Greene Community Supported Agriculture!
We provide fresh produce picked straight from the farm and deliver it straight to your selected pickup location. Each week we hand pick and pack spring mix lettuce, arugula, greens and a selections of other seasonal vegetables that are ready for harvest!

In “Community Supported Agriculture,” community members purchase a piece of the farm’s production, and in return, receive delicious, safe, and sustainably grown produce and herbs each week of the harvest season.

What kind of world do you want to live in?

We want to live in URBAN PARADISE. There’s been a lot of damage done, so it will take work and creativity.

The mission of the Urban Paradise Guild is to re-create native habitats in the urban areas of Miami-Dade County, and to promote sustainable models for healthy living that safeguard, enhance and integrate the human and natural worlds.

Urban gardening and fruit trees are examples of the plant habitats that sustain humans. We do this too, because how can a place be Urban Paradise without great fruits & vegetables?

Star Acre Farms provides the Denver and Arvada communities with healthy food choices that are naturally grown without the use of chemicals. Become a member of our farm for fresh, organic shares throughout the season, volunteer, and join us for potlucks, education, and community.


Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a share program in which people join a farm as members, pay a membership fee at the beginning of the season, and then receive a weekly share of the harvest throughout the growing season.

At North Field Farm, we grow over 200 varieties of fresh produce each year and we never use synthetic pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or fertilizers. We believe in eating a local, organic, seasonal diet – and that’s why we offer fresh produce, CSA shares, volunteer opportunities and gardening classes.


Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a way to get involved in the production of the food you eat. In exchange for payment at the beginning of the season, you receive fresh, organic produce throughout.

Are you interested in plants, sustainability, agriculture and the future of our food system? San Diego City College's sustainable urban agriculture program may be for you!

The agriculture program at City College offers students a unique learning experience unlike any other in Southern California. All agriculture classes combine hands-on experience on our 1-acre urban farm, Seeds@City, with classroom learning.

Hosted by Nan Sterman, "A Growing Passion," on San Diego's KPBS, explores backyard food production, major horticultural growers, low-water landscapes and sustainable practices around the home and in the garden.

From earth-friendly and water-wise gardens to organic foods and habitat restoration, San Diegans demand options that protect our health, feed our communities and protect our natural resources. We're here to help you out!

Past episodes are available online.


At Boggy Creek Farm, we sell fresh, organic veggies at our farm stand - and we offer volunteer opportunities to gain experience in urban farming. We love working side-by-side with community members who want to explore this fascinating field.

Get urban farm experience and take home some fresh veggies for your efforts!

Contact us and our volunteer coordinator will reach out to you to schedule your first shift.

