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B-Line: Sustainable Urban Delivery in Portland, OR

B-line uses human-powered, electric-assisted vehicles to make deliveries in Portland.

By providing an alternative to traditional truck and van based deliveries for last-mile delivery, B-line has helped Portland avoid an estimated 80,000 truck deliveries and kept 18 tons of CO2 emissions out of the atmosphere since its founding in February 2009.

B-line also provides advertising and promotional opportunities for local businesses both large and small.

B-Line’s vision is to redefine how goods and services are transported in our increasingly urban environment by simply providing the right tool for the job. As an advertising and promotions company, B-Line seeks to combine flexibility with ingenuity. As a stakeholder in our community, B-Line is passionate about creating a company that is part of a solution and a partner in living.

Recently B-line was featured in articles in both TIME magazine and The New York Times for their work in redefining urban delivery.

1140 SE 7th Ave.
Portland OR 97214

multnomah co