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The Green Earth Institute: A community-supported farm and education center

The Green Earth Institute promotes nutritional health and environmental sustainability through organic farming, education, and Community Supported Agriculture.

Using our organic farm as a demonstration and learning center, we grow healthful vegetables in an earth-friendly way and educate about nature, nutrition, and caring for the earth.

Each summer we provide educational programs for pre-school, elementary, and middle school children. Year-round we offer farm tours and speakers for adult, college, and high school groups. During spring, summer, and fall we offer educational programs for school and scout groups.


Given the opportunity to work the soil and be involved in growing one's own food, many people from near and far have responded, enjoyed the experience and come back again and again.


Through our Community Supported Agriculture program, people purchase a "share" of the anticipated harvest at an agreed price. In exchange, the farmers plant, cultivate, harvest, wash and distribute a bountiful selection of vegetables and herbs for distribution.

For yourself and for our mother earth, please join our efforts!

Green Earth Institute
10S404 Knoch Knolls Road
Naperville, IL 60565-5447

(630) 664-5681
Contact page:

city of chicago