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Northwestern University offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in Environmental Studies

Environmental Studies at Northwestern facilitates environmental engagement through study and action, in order to meet the challenges of sustainable food, water and energy for a growing global population.

Undergraduate Programs:

The Environmental Sciences major (B.A.) provides students with an understanding of how the natural environment operates, how it has been impacted by society and how society attempts to mitigate the impacts.

The Environmental Engineering major (B.S.) provides training to identify and design environmental solutions.

Our minor in Environmental Policy and Culture offers an interdisciplinary course of study in the environment, focusing on the social sciences and humanities.

Graduate Programs:

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering supports research and teaching that enhances our ability to design, construct, and operate society's infrastructure, and to sustain natural and engineered environmental systems. Both M.S. and Ph.D. degrees may be sought in Environmental Engineering and Science.

The Graduate Program in Plant Biology and Conservation (M.S. and Ph.D.), a collaboration between Northwestern and the Chicago Botanic Garden, provides a foundation in plant ecology, evolution, and biology and in plant conservation theory and methods.

Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Rd
Evanston, IL 60208-3100

city of chicago