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Backyard Revolutions – Turning Landscapes into Foodscapes

Backyard Revolutions provides ecological, permaculture-based edible landscape design and installation services in the Denver metro and Colorado Front Range areas. We focus on regenerative, low-maintenance food systems that you can put right in your own backyard: chickens, fish, vegetable/herb gardens, and food forests.

We pour our hearts into our designs and know that you will love watching your property transform into a food-producing oasis. We design and build your system, then educate you on how to nurture and maximize its yields.

Our full site design work includes landscape & hardscape design, along with regenerative elements like rainwater harvesting, food forest polycultures, annual gardens, and other food production systems.

Our food gardens are built to fit your space, efficiently use water, require minimal maintenance, regenerate soil ecology, and produce high yields. We provide raised beds, sheet mulch gardens, edible forests, and more.

Because a healthy garden has many different elements working together to build soil fertility, increase biodiversity, and create a closed-loop, self-sustaining system, we can also provide aquaponic systems, vericomposting systems, greenhouses, cold frames, and more.

Let Backyard Revolutions turn your landscape into an abundant foodscape. Contact us today.

