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Colorado Hemp Project - Organic Hemp Farm Consulting & Seeds

Colorado Hemp Project is an organic hemp farm consulting agency based in Denver that works with farmers and municipalities across the globe. We provide stable hemp seeds and resources to areas that legalize hemp so that families everywhere can experience the economic and environmental benefits of industrial hemp cultivation.

From land acquisition to registering your legal hemp farm, we at Colorado Hemp Project have extensive experience in navigating hemp farm start-up and legislation details.

We’ve spent years cultivating relationships with large buyers to ensure that you have a reputable buyers waiting for you once you start your farm.

We’ve acquired and developed a bona fide line of industrial hemp and CBD-rich hemp strains that are perfect for your organic farm.

Hemp is an unparalleled agricultural commodity with a diverse array of lucrative industrial applications - in addition to its full spectrum nutritional and therapeutic properties. Let’s heal the planet together by accelerating the establishment of local, sustainable hemp farms and companies everywhere!

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