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Household & hazardous waste drop-offs for Boston residents

Boston residents can safely dispose of household waste, hazardous waste and shred unwanted documents for free several times per year, with dropoffs at various locations. Most happen on Saturdays from 9am - 2pm.

We only take waste from Boston residents. You need to show us proof of your residency. We will not take any waste from businesses.

What we will take: materials from household use, lawn & garden use, car-related materials and kitchen & laundry materials.

What we will not take: Latex and acrylic paint, fire extinguishers, medical waste, asbestos, explosives, etc.

We offer paper shredding at all of our events. We will shred up to 10 copy paper size boxes or containers of your personal documents.

We usually accept clothing and textiles, including pants, coats, hats, and suits. As long as it’s dry and not moldy, we want it.

You can recycle electronics at some events.

