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The Colorado Impact Fund invests in environmentally responsible Colorado companies

The Colorado Impact Fund (CIF) invests in Colorado companies with high-growth, scalable business models and a commitment to making their communities better in areas such as healthcare, education, and the environment. Our strategy is designed to maximize impact and financial returns.

We support sectors such as natural foods, technology, education, health care, and clean tech. Our partner companies achieve positive community impact either through the nature of their products or services or by leading with the highest environmental, social and governance standards.

Our environmental impact criteria include efficient use of natural resources, mitigation and remediation of environmental hazards, and the promotion of sustainable agriculture and food systems.

We look for investment opportunities where the company is beyond proof of concept with generally $1 million or more of annualized commercial sales. Then we invest $3-$6 million in each of our partner companies over the life of our investment horizon.

At Colorado Impact Fund, we understand that it is your vision that makes our investment opportunity possible, and we strive to help you achieve your vision through our capital, experience and relationships.

We want to hear from you.

1555 Blake St #200
Denver, CO 80202
(303) 226-1717
