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Volunteer with Denver Food Rescue to decrease food waste & increase health equity

Want to help reduce food waste and increase food security in Denver while riding your bike (or car)? Volunteers are at the heart of Denver Food Rescue, picking up beautiful, edible whole fruits & veggies that would otherwise be discarded by grocery stores, farmers markets, and distributors across the city and delivering them to neighborhoods that have less access to fresh, healthful foods.

The current food system creates food deserts and health gaps in Denver, particularly impacting low-income people and people of color. Those gaps are why Denver Food Rescue redistributes saved foods directly to organizations that work with food insecure communities.

We hold New Volunteer Orientations every Wednesday with times switching between 12 pm and 5:30 pm. Please see our calendar to find the right meeting for you and get involved:

135 Park Ave West
Denver, CO 80205
(720) 675-7337
