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Project Angel Heart gives food to people with grave illnesses (Denver & Colorado Springs)

Our mission at Project Angel Heart is to deliver nutritious meals, at no cost, to those coping with life-threatening illnesses. Please help us supplement the produce we grow by donating your extra veggies or planting a special row, or by joining as a sustainability volunteer.

We seek freshly picked, pesticide-free tomatoes, zucchinis, yellow squashes, and greens such as chard, kale, collards, and mustard greens.

We’re also looking for volunteers for our on-site garden and specialized sustainability volunteers to maintain our garden, manage produce donations, monitor recycling at events, and more.

Plus, because Project Angel Heart prints the vast majority of internal communications on donated, half-used paper, we’re asking our community to get involved by donating any plain, white copy paper which has already been printed on one side.

We are proud to be a member of Certifiably Green Denver.


Denver Office & Kitchen
4950 Washington St
Denver, CO 80216

Colorado Springs Office
1625 W Uintah Street, Suite I
Colorado Springs, CO 80904
