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Denver Permaculture Guild – Building a more sustainable Denver

The Denver Permaculture Guild is a membership-based nonprofit working to build a more just, resilient, and ecologically robust city. We provide permaculture classes, advocate for a regenerative Denver, and foster the development of sustainable businesses and interdependent, hyper-local communities.

Permaculture is the quest for a permanent human culture, one not in debt to non-renewable resources and constant growth. Every action of our guild therefore strives to establish stable and regenerative human habitats that enrich and heal the greater environment.

We provide basic and advanced training around a host of sustainability-related subjects through workshops and courses. For example, our Living Community Design Course offers a safe and inclusive space to explore topics such as re-knitting community and determining ecological paths to prosperity.

We also nurture the development of permaculture-based businesses and cooperatives. Our support includes technical assistance, business planning, and access to our network of sustainability-minded residents.


In addition to providing expertise and support to members, we rely on members to help run events, to teach workshops, and to define and hold the vision of Permaculture in our community.

Join the Guild and make regenerative thinking mainstream in Denver.

