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The Urban Environment League of Greater Miami

The Urban Environment League of Greater Miami is an advocacy organization that supports environmentally responsible development and smart growth. We work to protect the public waterfront, public spaces, historic and natural areas in Miami-Dade county.

We seek more recognizable and protected greenways, water access, pedestrian friendly parks, improved historic neighborhoods and landmarks. We strive for our communities to have unique neighborhoods with South Florida-sensitive architecture and quality housing, affordable to all.

The UEL works with others to achieve our vision. We engage residents and students of all ages to join us in our mission of making Miami landscape sensitive to ecology and finding solutions to our problems.

In joining the UEL you will count yourself among Miami’s most active community advocates – helping raise awareness on any number of urban development issues. Annual membership entitles you to receive our newsletter, invitations to our monthly programs, and networking opportunities with some of Miami’s most involved citizens.

Our website:

Phone: (305) 985-2509

miami / dade