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Rain Barrels save water and reduce pollution. You may qualify for a rebate!

Harvesting rainwater helps conserve water and protect our waterways from polluted runoff!

One inch of rain falling on a 1,000 square foot roof can harvest 600 gallons of rainwater.

By implementing a rain barrel system, you can:
**Reduce water pollution as a result of rainwater runoff which carries pesticides, fertilizers, sediment, oil, and trash into local rivers and lakes.
**Reduce soil erosion and improve the ability of water to infiltrate the soil at a reduced intensity.
**Reduce dependency on the municipal water supply and see a cost savings on your water bill.
**Treat your garden, plants, and lawn to clean and free rainwater and help save energy by reducing demand on our drinking water supply!

Regional Rebate Program
Rain barrel rebates may be available through the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. To see if you qualify, visit

If you live in an incorporated area, please check with your local jurisdiction for rebates that may be available to you.

Forms & Resources Available:
Rain Barrel Fact Sheet
Rain Barrel & Mosquitoes Fact Sheet
Do-it-yourself: How to Make a Rain Barrel  
Find Your Water District

For questions, contact the Watershed Protection Program at:

city of san diego