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A Program That Inspires and Facilitates Eco-Activism


You want to combat our environmental crisis. But faced with the proliferating quantity of our eco-dilemmas, not to mention their complexity, it can be hard to figure out how best to direct your good green instincts.

The National Resources Defense Fund wants to help. Last year, the New York-based nonprofit launched "All In," a program that will send you suggestions for actions you can take to support environmental causes in your community and across the US.

Sent by email and/or text, the suggestions recommend actions that the NRDC believes are crucially necessary and can lead to concrete results. No pussyfooting here – the NRDC wants to get things done, and is striving to mobilize and support the activist in all of us.

"All In is a movement of people committed to taking real-world action, with their friends and in their communities," the NRDC says. "We'll send you the tools to stop the administration's dangerous environmental assaults... to meet up with other activists, plan events, and take action."

The suggestions are divided into actions that require different amounts of time – one minute, ten minutes, one hour and the big one, "Deep Dives." Recent actions include asking people to sign a petition to fire EPA monster Scott Pruitt, to contact Congress to halt offshore drilling, to share environmentalist videos via social networks, and to "stop by your local congressperson's office without an appointment."

You can sign up to join All In at The NRDC says you'll receive three or four texts per month, and only need to text back STOP to exit the program.

You want to combat our environmental crisis. All In is an informed and exceptionally effective way for you to do so.

--By Miriam M.