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Six Paid Fellowships from Grist


The folks at Grist—"a nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to highlighting climate solutions and uncovering environmental injustices"—do spectacular things.

Now you have a chance to do spectacular things with them.

Starting in January 2022, Grist is offering six paid, full-time Fellowships for young jounalists and the media-minded. The Fellowships are in:

Climate Solutions
Environmental Justice
Indigenous Affairs
News & Politics

The appointments last for six months, are are remote.

Says Grist: "Fellows can be based anywhere in the United States. Global health conditions permitting, at a future date there may be opportunities to work out of Grist’s Seattle office or New York co-working space. All fellows who work remotely will be encouraged to report on stories in their home community.

Fellows come away with six months of solid newsroom experience, a body of clips, and fluency in climate and environmental justice issues."

Futher, Fellows "are eligible for Grist health benefits coverage, including medical, vision, and dental."

Sounds pretty spectacular to us. So, what are you waiting for?

Apply by November 15, 2021, here: