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Green Organizations

Our babies grow and change so quickly that the clothing and gear they once used stays durable and can be passed on. By donating to WeeCycle, a twofold gift is given: Not only are you providing children from struggling families with the clothing and gear they need to live their first years safely and happily, you are practicing good stewardship of the planet that all of our babies will one day inherit.

The Center for Sustainable Energy

The Center for Sustainable Energy is a nonprofit energy administration and advisory services organization. We offer large-scale market transformation services, including rebate and incentive program design and administration, end-user engagement campaigns, policy guidance and workforce training and education.

We have more than 20 years’ experience assisting governments, regulators, utilities, businesses, consumers and, most recently, community choice aggregators.

Environment Texas is a citizen-based advocacy project of Environment America that defends our environment with independent research, tough-minded advocacy and spirited grassroots action.

When decisions are being made about our environment, our elected officials hear plenty from the oil companies, developers and other powerful interests.

We make the case for our environment and help people like you make your voice heard through petitions, emails, letters, canvassing, phone calls and more, all delivered to the right people just when it matters most.

Our mission is to create awareness about the plight of the environment, to educate the public about caring for our planet, humanity and the environment, to run recycling operations and to support environmental projects and programs locally and globally.

Some of our projects:

Collecting Used Clothes and Shoes
Through our green drop off bins we provide a convenient way for people in local communities to drop their unwanted clothes and other items.

The Foundation for a Green Future

The Foundation for a Green Future, Inc. is a multicultural 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to providing opportunities to neighborhoods and communities to build an environmentally-friendly world by bringing nature into our urban spaces and our lives.

Throughout the year, the Foundation runs a series of educational programs focused on greening our urban spaces through the arts, film, forums/speakers, festivals, gardening, and green infrastructure. We promote sustainable business practices, recycling, composting, and water solutions.

The Gaia Movement USA - Chicago chapter

Our mission is to create awareness about the plight of the environment, to educate the public about caring for our planet, humanity and the environment, to run recycling operations and to support environmental projects and programs locally and globally.

Some of our projects:

Collecting Used Clothes and Shoes
Through our green drop off bins we provide a convenient way for people in local communities to drop their unwanted clothes and other items.

Help Us Protect the Forest Preserves!

In recent history, the forest preserves of Cook County have encountered a great deal of abuse and neglect: Invasive brush turned thousands of acres into impassible thorn thickets, preserve land was sold, and trash littered the landscape.

Friends of the Forest Preserves was founded in 1998 by a small group of concerned citizens. We are now a force of thousands of committed volunteers and members.

The South Florida Water Management District is a regional governmental agency responsible for managing and protecting water resources of South Florida by balancing and improving FLOOD CONTROL, WATER SUPPLY, WATER QUALITY and NATURAL SYSTEMS.

Our key initiative is restoration of the Everglades – the largest environmental restoration project in the nation's history.

Colorado Open Lands is a 501(c)3 nonprofit land trust that works with private landowners to place voluntary conservation easements on their properties – earning financial benefits for landowners, helping keep land in families, and protecting Colorado’s land and water resources.

Our staff has experience in working with all types of landowners and situations, and prides itself on being advocates for landowners. We take a long-term approach, understanding that successful conservation is about more than land and water—it is about people.

The Department of Sustainability leads the implementation of the City’s Climate Action and promotes climate equity in City projects and outreach efforts.

In 2015, the City Council approved San Diego’s Climate Action Plan, which calls for the City to cut half of all greenhouse gas emissions by 2035. The Plan's strategies include 100 percent renewable electricity; water and energy efficiency; zero waste; bicycling, walking, transit and land use; and resiliency measures.

The Climate Action Plan will:
