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Local Organizations

Our mission at the Denver Sustainability Food Policy Council is to influence the City of Denver to enact policies that foster food security for all community members and promote a healthy, equitable, and sustainable local food system.

Our current working groups are involved in City of Denver policy reforms to expand access to mobile markets, increase food rescue and composting at city facilities, adopt a healthy, local standard for city food purchases, and more. In short, we look at the food system in our area and then make recommendations on how to improve that food system.

Sustainability is Sexy:

Our mission is to inspire and drive innovation within the San Diego business community through connection and provide tangible education and solutions to issues facing our city such as food waste, single use plastic, ecological disturbance and more.

SIS is a networking non-profit, creating a space for brands, organizations and individuals working for a better planet. Events, meetings, festivals and individual counseling.

Our website ::

San Diego Green New Deal Alliance

We need a San Diego Green New Deal!

Our region is not on track to meet climate targets that represent the minimum action needed to secure a safe and livable future.

Recent climate science reports, including the landmark United Nations IPCC Report, say we need to go beyond what local and state laws commit us to — we need a plan to reach net-zero emissions.

At Urban Patchwork, we work with thousands of neighbors throughout Austin to map edible trees and turn under-utilized private and public spaces into productive urban gardens and farms, educational spaces, and activity centers.

Through this effort, we strengthen and beautify our communities, expand our food system’s reach, and reduce the environmental impact of landscaping and agriculture.

Keep Austin Beautiful, an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, provides resources and education to help citizens build a more beautiful and earth-friendly Austin. We welcome hearing from anyone, or any group, who shares these interests.

We do ecological clean-ups and restoration, street and creek adoptions, beautification and recycling resources, and youth engagement and education.


Clean Lady Bird Lake - Volunteer every other month on Lady Bird Lake's shorelines and waterways to keep our lake clean.

Vegan Life Colorado works to educate the public on the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle. We are nonsectarian and welcome everyone.

Our projects include social activities, participation in VegFest Colorado and in the Animal Action Network.

VEGFEST COLORADO is a 2 day fair that promotes a plant-based/vegan lifestyle and a supportive vegan community.

ANIMAL ACTION NETWORK is a Colorado organization that supports and promotes the humane and ethical treatment of animals by human beings.

The Environmental Center of San Diego works to protect and enhance the natural environment of San Diego through education, activism and direct action.

Throughout the region, there is a critical need for natural-systems restoration as well as representing environmental concerns to individuals, companies, and government funded organizations.

We provide educational tools, advocacy support, and direct-action resources to stand up for our region as a community along with the Earth overall.

The Green Party is a political party and a global movement. Our goal is to elect people to office and to implement electoral and social reform to reverse the immense role big corporations and money play in current world politics, and in particular in the US.

We are not just environmentalists! Our members are advocates for social justice, nonviolent resisters, small business owners, disaffected Democrats, grassroots activists, students and regular citizens who've had enough of corporate-dominated politics.

Travis Audubon is an independent chapter of the National Audubon Society that protects native habitats for birds and other wildlife in Central Texas. In addition to the enjoyment of birds in nature, we are committed to Land Conservation, Habitat Restoration and Management, Environmental Education and Conservation Advocacy.


Travis Audubon was founded in 1952 by visionary Central Texans who recognized the vital connection between conserving wildlife habitat and the ecological balance necessary for sustainable and habitable communities.

Verde serves communities by building environmental wealth through Social Enterprise, Outreach and Advocacy.

Verde engages community members, peer organizations and policymakers about the connection between protecting the environment and building community, advocating and organizing with low-income people and people of color to drive environmental resources into their neighborhoods in response to existing needs.
