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Local Organizations

The San Diego Foundation Climate Initiative provides leadership and philanthropic investment to create a more sustainable path to economic growth and a higher quality of life.

The initiative aims to advance science-based, collaborative development of local policies and programs that reduce our region’s polluting emissions and minimize local risks from climate change.

The Climate Initiative works to:


Since 1945, our members have shared information about successfully raising vegetables and ornamentals without using harsh fertilizers that harm soil and toxic pesticides that disturb ecological balance. We meet the second Monday of each month (except December) at the Zilker Botanical Gardens.

In addition to an educational presentation, there is a question-and-answer session and plenty of informative conversation.


Columbia Land Trust

The Columbia Land Trust conserves and cares for the vital lands, waters, and wildlife of the Columbia River region through sound science and strong relationships.

Wetlands and oak woodlands. Columbia River tributaries and Columbia River shores. Forests both wild and working. Natural areas in urban strongholds and wide-open spaces that anchor rural communities.

Miami Is Not Plastic is an initiative for businesses and individuals to reduce Single Use Disposable Plastic, unclog our ocean and save the marine life. We host clean-ups and other events, and partner with several organizations in our quest to protect the environment.

We strive to transform communities through education, awareness and responsible practices. Our goal is to inspire local business in the hospitality, parks and marina sector in the Miami area to adopt alternative options to single use disposable plastic.

Our babies grow and change so quickly that the clothing and gear they once used stays durable and can be passed on. By donating to WeeCycle, a twofold gift is given: Not only are you providing children from struggling families with the clothing and gear they need to live their first years safely and happily, you are practicing good stewardship of the planet that all of our babies will one day inherit.

Help Us Protect the Forest Preserves!

In recent history, the forest preserves of Cook County have encountered a great deal of abuse and neglect: Invasive brush turned thousands of acres into impassible thorn thickets, preserve land was sold, and trash littered the landscape.

Friends of the Forest Preserves was founded in 1998 by a small group of concerned citizens. We are now a force of thousands of committed volunteers and members.

The South Florida Water Management District is a regional governmental agency responsible for managing and protecting water resources of South Florida by balancing and improving FLOOD CONTROL, WATER SUPPLY, WATER QUALITY and NATURAL SYSTEMS.

Our key initiative is restoration of the Everglades – the largest environmental restoration project in the nation's history.

The Department of Sustainability leads the implementation of the City’s Climate Action and promotes climate equity in City projects and outreach efforts.

In 2015, the City Council approved San Diego’s Climate Action Plan, which calls for the City to cut half of all greenhouse gas emissions by 2035. The Plan's strategies include 100 percent renewable electricity; water and energy efficiency; zero waste; bicycling, walking, transit and land use; and resiliency measures.

The Climate Action Plan will:
