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Green Action

At the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center at The University of Texas, Austin, we inspire conservation of native plants through our gardens, research, education, consulting and outreach programs.

In doing so, we improve water quality, provide habitat for wildlife and enhance human health and happiness.


Native wildflowers, grasses, shrubs and trees help conserve water, reduce mowing costs, provide habitat for birds, butterflies and other wildlife, protect the soil, and reduce use of fertilizers and pesticides.

Debris Free Oceans is a volunteer-run non-profit organization, based in Miami, that inspires local communities to responsibly manage the lifecycle of plastics and waste as part of a global initiative to eradicate marine debris from our beaches, reefs, and oceans.

We organize educational events for students, organizations, businesses, and politicians about zero-waste lifestyles and how we can incorporate these principles into immediate and long-term strategy.

We at Slow Food Denver are a diverse group of food enthusiasts with a dedication to preserving food traditions, supporting local food producers and purveyors, promoting sustainable agriculture, influencing food policy, protecting biodiversity, and educating members, school children, and the greater community about the pleasures of growing and eating healthy food.

Central Texas Food Bank works with food donors, financial supporters and volunteers to fill unmet needs for healthy food in Central Texas.


The Food Bank collects millions of pounds of wholesome, nutritious food—food that would otherwise be discarded. Last year, our food rescue efforts kept nearly 19 million pounds of food from ending up in landfills.

Green Corn Project (GCP) is a grassroots, volunteer-run 501(c)(3) nonprofit that installs organic food gardens for elderly, low-income, and disabled Central Texans, as well as for elementary schools, community centers, and shelters in underserved areas of Austin.

We turn unused land into garden beds that provide food, education, and a sense of accomplishment and pride for all involved in their creation and maintenance.


The Hill Country Alliance (HCA) is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to raise public awareness and build community support for preserving the natural heritage of Central Texas Hill Country through conservation and planned growth.


We serve as a resource about Hill Country issues for elected officials at state and local levels, and we collaborate regularly with land trusts, universities, groundwater districts, government agencies, environmental groups and landowners.
