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Green Action

NeighborSpace is the only nonprofit urban land trust in Chicago that preserves and sustains gardens on behalf of community groups. We provide this support through property ownership, insurance, stewardship, education, tool lending, project planning, fundraising support, troubleshooting and more — so that community groups can focus on gardening and their community-building vision.

Austin Environmental Democrats is an advocacy group that works to educate our members, inform our elected officials, and create a forum where Austinites can come together and learn more about the issues impacting our surroundings.

We pass resolutions and advocate for them, endorse primary candidates who are truly green, and work together as volunteers for important green projects around Austin.

You can get involved in our decision-making by becoming a member.

We meet the first Friday of each month at noon at El Mercado on South First Street.

Miami Waterkeeper’s mission is to defend, protect, and preserve South Florida’s watershed through citizen engagement and community action rooted in sound science and research. We work to ensure swimmable, drinkable, fishable water for all.

Our scope of work is diverse, with core issues including clean water, ecosystem protection, and resiliency. Serving our population of more than 4.5 million people across Miami-Dade and Broward counties, Miami Waterkeeper’s approach combines education and outreach, scientific research, advocacy, and when necessary, legal action.

The Urban Environment League of Greater Miami is an advocacy organization that supports environmentally responsible development and smart growth. We work to protect the public waterfront, public spaces, historic and natural areas in Miami-Dade county.

We seek more recognizable and protected greenways, water access, pedestrian friendly parks, improved historic neighborhoods and landmarks. We strive for our communities to have unique neighborhoods with South Florida-sensitive architecture and quality housing, affordable to all.

The Denver Permaculture Guild is a membership-based nonprofit working to build a more just, resilient, and ecologically robust city. We provide permaculture classes, advocate for a regenerative Denver, and foster the development of sustainable businesses and interdependent, hyper-local communities.

Permaculture is the quest for a permanent human culture, one not in debt to non-renewable resources and constant growth. Every action of our guild therefore strives to establish stable and regenerative human habitats that enrich and heal the greater environment.

Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado (VOC) connects the general public with stewardship projects in trail construction and maintenance, invasive species management, habitat restoration, gardening and planting, forestry management, flood and fire restoration, and more. Every year, we rely on thousands of people just like you to provide a volunteer workforce for essential environmental projects.

In what is considered the first agreement of its kind, MIT, Harvard and the City of Cambridge developed a compact to work collaboratively to address issues related to sustainability and climate change on a local basis.

The “Cambridge Compact for a Sustainable Future” lays out a framework for signatories to work in a more coordinated and robust fashion to tackle local sustainability challenges.

Sachamama is a Miami-based organization building support for a 100% clean-energy economy for all, with a specific emphasis on developing sustainable attitudes, behaviors & lifestyles within Latino communities. We develop culturally sensitive strategies to provide the Latino community with needed tools to become a political force for climate action.

We focus on three goals: increasing media coverage on climate issues, accelerating the transition to a clean energy economy and creating a new generation of climate activists.

Chicago Gateway Green is a not-for-profit public-private partnership dedicated to greening and beautifying Chicago’s gateways and expressways through landscape enhancement, litter and graffiti removal and the installation of public art.

We're already planted over 80,000 shrubs in 100 gardens over 150 acres of roadside landscape.


We can achieve more together. Greening is hard, serious work – but we make sure to celebrate and have some fun along the way.

Get involved today by volunteering or sponsoring one of our expressway gardens.
