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Green Action

Miami Is Not Plastic is an initiative for businesses and individuals to reduce Single Use Disposable Plastic, unclog our ocean and save the marine life. We host clean-ups and other events, and partner with several organizations in our quest to protect the environment.

We strive to transform communities through education, awareness and responsible practices. Our goal is to inspire local business in the hospitality, parks and marina sector in the Miami area to adopt alternative options to single use disposable plastic.

Our babies grow and change so quickly that the clothing and gear they once used stays durable and can be passed on. By donating to WeeCycle, a twofold gift is given: Not only are you providing children from struggling families with the clothing and gear they need to live their first years safely and happily, you are practicing good stewardship of the planet that all of our babies will one day inherit.

Help Us Protect the Forest Preserves!

In recent history, the forest preserves of Cook County have encountered a great deal of abuse and neglect: Invasive brush turned thousands of acres into impassible thorn thickets, preserve land was sold, and trash littered the landscape.

Friends of the Forest Preserves was founded in 1998 by a small group of concerned citizens. We are now a force of thousands of committed volunteers and members.

Established in 1971, the Chicago Audubon Society is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with approximately 4,000 members in the metropolitan area.

Your local membership will greatly assist with the Chicago Chapter's efforts to educate the public, protect habitat, and continually bring attention to the vital cause of environmental awareness. Membership in the Chicago Chapter is separate from membership in the National Audubon Society.

Keep Denver Beautiful, a program of Denver’s Solid Waste Management, enhances our city by addressing problems of graffiti and litter through volunteer projects and educational programs.

From major projects such as the Great American Cleanup to furnishing a few trash bags for informal alley cleanups, Keep Denver Beautiful strives to give you the support you want by coordinating the efforts of neighborhood residents, volunteer groups and Solid Waste Management.


BikeDenver’s mission is to provide all in Denver with the opportunity to bike safely and conveniently. We compile and share bike lane data to help improve street design and code enforcement, teach families how to get to school safely, help businesses add bike racks, hold regular Group Rides and teach Urban Commuter Classes.

Rescue a Reef is the University of Miami’s coral restoration program, designed to support research and revival activities to save local staghorn coral populations on Miami’s coral reefs. Rescue A Reef expeditions are led by UM researchers, and provide a unique, hands-on education experience for recreational divers and snorkelers to participate in coral restoration efforts.

Our mission is to educate and engage the local community, increase scientific literacy in coastal and coral reef conservation, and foster ocean stewardship.

Our mission at the Denver Sustainability Food Policy Council is to influence the City of Denver to enact policies that foster food security for all community members and promote a healthy, equitable, and sustainable local food system.

Our current working groups are involved in City of Denver policy reforms to expand access to mobile markets, increase food rescue and composting at city facilities, adopt a healthy, local standard for city food purchases, and more. In short, we look at the food system in our area and then make recommendations on how to improve that food system.

Habitat 2030 is a group of volunteers who care about the remarkable natural areas of the Chicago region.

We host habitat restoration workdays, nature hikes and weekend camping trips, social gatherings and educational opportunities.

On workdays, we remove invasive plants, gather and spread seeds, and learn about nature as we go.

Through our work, we link interested newbies to expert mentors to build a community where people of all skill levels can discuss local ecology, conservation and habitat-restoration issues.
